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I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!John 8:58"

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Lessons for the Church

Instructions for preaching, teaching, and believing sound doctrine

By Bruce W. Robida



Please read Revelation chapters 1-3

Jesus (Rev 1:17-18) walked among the 7 Churches (Rev 1:12, 2:1) which are represented by the 7 lampstands (Rev 1:20).  It was Jesus who spoke to John, telling him to write to the 7 churches, those things that He was about to tell him (Rev 1:11-12).  The letters were written to the angels which, are represented by the 7 stars (Rev 1:20) and the angels of the 7 Churches are the leaders or messengers of those Churches (see Footnote e).

The letters that were written to the 7 Churches are Churches that existed at the time John received the Revelation of Jesus Christ (Rev 1:4). I believe that every individual can look at each of the 7 Churches and find where he might be approved by God and also where God might have something against him.  I don’t believe that each of the 7 Churches is related to 7 separate Church ages or that, we might be in one of those ages.  I do believe that the Church can relate to the letters to the 7 Churches in that individually, we can find how we might fit into each one of them, either in a positive way, or a negative way.

As Jesus walked among those 7 Churches, I believe He walks among His Church today.  Church leaders should take comfort and warning that Jesus walks among their congregations; His congregations. And through His Revelation to John, He commends; rebukes and encourages His Church even today.  This should be an example for every preacher and teacher, to commend, rebuke, and encourage as it becomes necessary.  But these things must be accomplished properly. If rebuke is necessary, it must be done without neglecting approval for doing what is right and encouragement for accepting correction, repenting, and doing what is right according to sound doctrine, as it has been taught in the Scriptures.

Finally, preachers and teachers will be held accountable more so than their congregations (James 3:1), but the congregations will also be held accountable because they have no excuse for following the traditions of men over the precepts of God (1 John 3:7, 1 John 2:18-27).  Consider these Words from the apostle Paul:

Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. 1 Timothy 4:16

Timothy was commanded to watch his life and doctrine closely, why?  So that not only will he be saved, but so will those who follow his teaching.  On the other hand, if he teaches false doctrine, what will happen to him and his followers?  Neither he, nor they will be saved because of their belief in a different gospel.

Now examine your own life and doctrine to see how it compares with the Scriptures.  Then return to Revelation Chapters 1-3 after you’ve corrected your own errors and have begun to turn away from them and read once again, God’s encouragement for those who overcome.

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Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture on this website was taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION(r). Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

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